Saturday 23 August 2014

Sojourn through Andaman and nicobar islands!

Have you ever been to a bachelorette where the "bachelor" missed the flight and couldn't make it to her own bachelor party? Have you ever been to a bachelorette where the bachelor's 19 year old younger sister was present and managed most the arrangements (think ; WILD party games and dirty hampers!)? Have you ever been to a bachelorette where there was a married couple along with their toddler? Have you ever been to a bachelorette where there is a soon-to-be-married, very-much-in-love couple? Have you ever been to a bachelorette where there is a guy who no one has ever met, heard about or seen? 

This was the motley bunch of people who were attending my sister's bachelor party. And the events that followed is an adventure of epic proportions.

From the 2 and halfhour journey to Havelock island, to the first gasp of surprise after seeing the water that’s so blue, to “Baywatch tours & travels” , to the famous birayani episode , to the idyllic location of Munjoh Beach Resort,  to having our own private beach (disappointing!) , to the moment boys bonded over on a ‘dry’ day (14th august, geniuses!) , to having the bride finally reach the resort and to find all her friends missing, to bonding over meat discussions, good music, “neon” generation .. the trip was damn near perfect.

<--- b="">Munjoh beach resort

After casual intro’s at the airport, and care-free banter that soon flowed between the group .. there was a sense of ease, even though the people I was with were easily 7 years elder to me. Sure, I had met them before and got along fine but then I always had my sister around.  This time, it was different. A good different!  At some point i found myself completely forgetting the age differences completely and just having a blast! 

Be it, laughing like an idiot with Varun bhaiya over his many 'Punny' jokes which i still maintain ONLY i would find so funny and listening to his amazing music choices or talking to Tulika di about meaningful things to her helping me out with the arrangements, or be it with Pratik bhaiya trying to teach me how to be with nevaan to disappearing to eat with Priyank bhaiya without the knowledge of others, to swapping stories with Kesha di.. I never had a dull moment :') 


Sitting behind on the bike pillion, speeding on the streets of havelock with a bowl of nutella in my hand procured from a cafe called Fat Martin, and breathing in the warm, sultry air and feeling the blast of sun on my face, no worries except avoiding monitor lizards and other lizards . (ohh, priyank bawwa!)

Fat martin cafe @ night! So pretty :')
You haven't quite gotten the 'tropical' holiday feel until you're at one of these cafe's eating pineapples with salt . Also! This place is exactly what my and priyank bhaiya's retirement plan looks like :P 
Nothing else would be better than owning your own scuba diving store attached to your own cafe where you own a mini-home theatre set up.
Sigh! SO PERFECT :')

Witnessing a football match between the locals, and envying their simple yet fulfilling life where food is plentiful and nature is abundant. Woh kehte hain na? Thoda hain, thode ki zaroorat hain. Just that! 

Lying on the beach on our backs after a session of scuba diving, with waves gently lapping at our feet, getting baked like a cookie in an oven.. while checking out cute boys on the beach :P and i cannot forget the embarrassment we faced, when we convinced a cute dutch guy to do a funny "dare" with my sister, only to find out she had already left the beach without us. (Diiii, whatte epic fail!) 

Walking back to the resort, realizing what a long way we have to go to eventually reach there , so what next? Hitching a ride from an andaman local and going triples on his scooter, of course! :D He was more surprised at us or we were, i still don't know. 

Playing a mad, crazy game which resulted in lots of laughter, open declaration of love (ahem, ahem tulikaaa di! :D) and surprisingly, the intellectual conversation that we had and how we became UN, UN general, USSR, and Pakistan by the end of that night.  To spewing "love" (reference to context!) all over the room and the other "love" discussions in the morning we had trying to figure out who-dun-it. 

I'll tell you my most favorite moment? Rather i'll 'show'  you :

When didi walked in, and saw this :

^^^ Her friends dressing up for her, and wearing this :

Her reaction was so instantaneous, it just made all the hard work worth it all! The survival kits, the presents , the hamper.. everything! 
Oh anu diiii, You beautiful, incredible thing! 
Doing anything for you is rewarding. 

The Andaman & Nicobar are a group of picturesque Islands, big and small, inhabited and uninhabited. Andamans is such a breath-taking place, with clear blue waters that run quite shallow and with its charming beaches which are devoid of filth and trash which you generally associate with any beach in India. It is actually, quite unlike any place in India. 
For many, Havelock islands is Andamans and havelock is a backpacker's paradise! Make sure you visit, Vijaynagar Beach (Beach No. 5) and Radhanagar Beach (Beach No. 7)Though I didn't actually get to trek due to monsoons, i've heard trekking is also an interesting option in andamans. 

Also, there are many other islands around andamans that worth quite a visit! Neil island, bartrang islands, viper islands .. 

 I can't wait to travel some more, till then.. that's all, folks! 
Please drop in any queries and anything else that you need to know and i'll be happy to help! 

Keep galavanting, peeeps! :D

P.s Will do a separate blog piece on Scuba - Diving and its wonders. 

Monday 18 August 2014

Sri Lanka - now and then.

Heyyy you guys! After a long hiatus, here's my new travel experience. 

Last to last weekend, I was in Srilanka with my elder sister and 4 of my cousins for a "cousin's trip" . To those who don't know, my sister is engaged to be married soonly, on the 28th of november 2014 and before that, as the family tradition goes .. we had to have a trip with cousins to help us bond better, and re-live the bride/groom last days as a part of our family. Idk, who came up with this idea but i am so glad we do this. And more importantly, I am lucky to have such fun cousins. 

The destination decision started at coorg, then munnar and it escalated to bangkok then finally somehow to SriLanka. The fact that, Srilanka is where i spent a whole summer sort of clinched the deal. I'd know where to chill, and would make a sound itinerary and plus, my sister always wanted to visit the place. All set and done, off to srilanka we were! :) 

It is quite some feeling when you get to return back to a place (which you called home BTW, for almost 2months)  and do it differently. This trip was so vastly different from my time here that its quite astounding. It opened up my eyes and perspective to a whole new side of colombo, which I wasn't exposed to during the course of my internship. It made me think how every place has multiple facets attached to it and how its important to know and appreciate it.

How was it so different, you might ask?
For one, I was doing this trip with my family and as it is with most families, you do everything in style. 
We travelled in luxury, dined and wined at the finest and stayed at an amazing hotel and worried about nothing. 

Whereas, last summer I stuck to a budget. Travelled like a local, ate just enough to get through and I had constantly something to do, or plan. Barring weekends, i don't remember chilling at all . 

Secondly,  there is so much more autonomy in your decisions. Like it ; do it. No questions asked or explanations required. Eg : i remember getting off a bus in the middle of the journey to Yala national park because we crossed tangalle beach and I just had to, had to go there.  This sort of a thing ideally wouldn’t be possible with a larger group.

I also realized while travelling, the more you are open to asking questions , the more you will be likely to make less mistakes.  This realization came after we accidently boarded the wrong bus to Galle. What would take about 1hour 30 mins to complete, it took us quite the double time. My cousins were quite a sport, when I messed up.. but because when all the plans of a trip depends on you.. you just cannot screw up. It aint fair to others who travel with faith on you.


Apart from almost gatecrashing a srilankan wedding that was taking place in our hotel.. my interaction with a local was NIL.
This trip, did not even leave me enough time to go and meet my srilankan friends nor could I visit my school . INSTEAD I visited a sparkling casino range called “BALLY’S” and p.s yess they permitted me and my underage cousin aswell (so, hooray!).
Lazing by the pool, eating at the hotel’s multiple dine-in options, going crazyyy partying, going bar-hopping, shopping for flip-flops and souvenirs.. This trip was done truly like a pakka tourist :)

And i finally saw, why Sri Lanka was such a tourist hotspot and why so many foreigners frequent this tiny isle. Warm people, lots of sunshine and lovely beaches. All this, and not very expensive either.

I am just so glad i got to do this trip so vastly differently. This place will always be so incredibly close to my heart. :') 
Why? Hahaha, wait for my future blogposts.

P.s last weekend i went to andamans . That blog is coming up soon (well, as soon as i fix my phone. Pssh, don't ask! ) 

I have been so frantically busy ; what with my sister's bachelorette, to final year shenanigans, to my credit courses, to a plethora of other things.

But you keep galavanting, folks.