Saturday 24 October 2015

Life in singapore!

I’ve been living in Singapore now since a month and a half, and people back home often ask me what the country is like. And often, I am not too sure how is the best way to respond. Day-to-day life in Singapore can be pretty good, even if I loathe admitting it.

Before I came here, I had been told (jokingly) that people here have two top hobbies -  shopping and eating. Turns out it's not a joke afterall.  People here, love to sit down, eat, talk and do nothing; and really, it’s pretty awesome.  What can I say? Food is mega important for the Singaporeans. Every 10 meters you will find a place to eat, local food is very reasonably priced. There are alleys with lanes of food, (called hawker’s centers) where it is a hot-pot of food from all over. From chicken satays, to sea food to Korean cuisine, to shawarma’s to .. well,  lots of things. Just, probably no vegetarian food.  Well as for Indian food, It here ranges from expensive to very expensive. You can expect to pay up to 3 or 4 times what you might have paid at home. Oh well , that is one reason to love every beginnings of the month :’)

Next thing that really impresses here is the public transport system here. The whole island is very well connected by buses and MRT. And the best part? It is extremely efficient and very cheap. Most buses  cost around 1.5 SGD on average. Most taxi journeys cost 5 – 15 SGD.  There is one EZlink card which allows access to both, so having a topped up card it is essential.
One more thing that happens here(actually I am sure in lots of other countries too, especially UAE), the malls, the offices , the transport (buses/trains/taxis) have air conditioning in them and temperatures can be pretty cold inside, but the minute you step outside a blast of humidity hits you straight in the face is , so much that there seems to be an alternate weather system of 22 degrees indoors.  Walking through the rain or under burning sun? No need. Many places are covered or you can walk underground. How Singaporeans love convenience  and comfort :’)

One aspect of life in Singapore is the false sense of security this country convinces you of. Almost to the point of being stupid! I have seen my friends (ehrm, Me) leave their phones, wallet right on the table and walk away, convinced that it wont be stolen because ‘oh well, this is Singapore..yaha kuch nahi hoga’ attitude. And I don’t blame them,  because Singaporeans are pretty tough when it comes to rules. Due to that, I am walking alone at night, catching public transport at any time of the day without having to worry about what crazy person will get on and well, murder me. And I love how safe this country feels! It is like a warm hug.


I am known to be a huge sucker for pretty lights, and Singapore looooves lights as much as I do. Buildings and bridges are lit in various, alternating colors. There are daily light and pyrotechnic shows. This way, architecture and art gets an added dimension and visual effect.




The giant Merlion, normally a greystone colored tower, changes dramatically when colors are projected on it. It is highly enjoyable experience!


But I think what I love the most about Singapore is how the country is so contrasting , what with luxury meeting minimal, old-school shophouses housing secret cocktail dens to tall sky scrapers against parks and gardens. 

It is a nice heady mixture, and it is just been two short months. I cant wait to see how this city will surprise me some more and make me fall in love, some more.

So if i do get some time off my hectic schedule in college,  I plan to curate a list of places here - places, gardens, bars, restaurants, shopping etc .WHEEEE!
Till then, keep gallavanting folks! xx

p.s To people who mailed me pictures for the blog, Thank youuu! <3 nbsp="" p="">

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