Monday 5 May 2014

Some fortunate people discover their passion right when they are little, and for others it takes a long, long time. I was lucky enough to discover mine right when things seemed bleak, and I didn't know where and what I wanted to be.
You know that feeling

When you hear about someone really extraordinary who goes on to do something that you wish you did instead? Maybe, backpacking across Europe or clicking a selfie with your favorite band.
Some talent you wish you knew? Or something you could be better at? Cooking, calligraphy, learning spanish .. Anything, actually.
When you panic because your life is whizzing by and you've no idea what you are doing and you're scared that your true potential just might never be discovered?

At that juncture of my life, I happened to stumble upon my passion. Quite by chance, if i may say so.
I realized that i am in love with the act of Traveling and i seem to have a knack of discovering new places. *touchwood*
Backpacking and inexpensive traveling , thats where my interests lay.

I happened to apply for an international internship to SriLanka and to my utter joy, everything worked out ; my project was great, the country seemed hospitable, my parents were ready, fun company to be traveling along with, visas sorted. Its was almost like, This was just meant to happen.
And i am so glad that it did! Otherwise i'd have never known what i want out of my life.

A lot changed in me during that trip, but thats for another blog post. :)

So. Here I am, a regular girl who enjoys traveling and suffers from wanderlust. Here is a honest attempt to chronicle my journeys and have some sort of semblance to otherwise chaotic life of mine. 

Keep reading, and Keep Galavanting! :D 


  1. As this is your first blog, appreciated. But am sure that you can put up your further experiences in a much much better way , all the best :)

    1. Thank you so much, feedback is very important. Don't let it stop! :)

  2. Good luck with your travels. Looking forward to reading all about them here!

    1. Thank you! Yes, i would love to have you as a part of my travels :) keep reading!
