Monday 26 May 2014

MayCo '14 .

I am just back from my first ever AIESEC conference, and I have gotta ask 'Is this what its actually like?'.
So, at our integration seminar our AIESEC moscow VP, Darina told all the interns that there is going to be a local conference somewhere towards the end of may. Having never attended one, we didn't know what to expect. Most of were inwardly groaning at the prospects of sitting at a boring, long speech sessions that would last hours together. I mean, thats what the general idea of a conference is, right?

WRONG! So totally wrong. 
There wasn't a dull moment at all.

Let me tell you what happened. 
We trainees, or interns - from India, Italy, America, Canada . About 9 of us,  left the city of Moscow, to go to our conference location. Now, it is extremely common for a local conference to happen at some hotel or a similar place ( as Sarah, our American intern pointed out to us is what happens in america atleast) but here, the conference was going to be at a house in the suburbs of  Moscow . We took the metro, and the train to a quiet station. It looked so removed from the city, but yet  it was actually not.  

We had to walk through a thick foliage of trees, bushes and wild dandelions that grew with a wild abandon, it was a very pretty walk to the house. 

And then , TAAAADAAAAA!  Please, ignore the goof and notice just the house.

Don't you think it is such a perfect place to be with a bunch of friends , for the most epic house party complete with a whole barbecue set up. Sigh! This is how cool how the location of the conference was. ( NO, we didn't actually have a BBQ or anything of the sorts :P) 

To cut the long story short, we all had an agenda to follow and here's what we did basically the whole conference : 

The sessions may have boring names, but the activities we did before each session, were sure not! I am not at liberty to reveal more.

Let me now take a moment here, to thank all the AIESEC members for taking so much effort into making this into such a successful conference. From the meticulously planned sessions, to the personal attention each intern received, to never ending activites, to these :

And a special mention to the amazing amazing amazing party , and to the party games *wink wink*!
AND THE JIVES!!! They were the bestestest. We just couldn't stop jiving. From Tunak Tunak ( which is my personal favorite!!) , to Alingo, to Superstar, to Go girls, to Bangarang, to Subah hone na de, to so many others.. i-cant-even-remember! :D 
These jives are from AIESEC allover the world! Brazil, Canada, India, Tanzania and it was amazing that being in Russia we were doing a dance on their music and their steps. Such a globally integrated thing to do! Roll calls are yet another fun fun fun thing! 

P.s : PEOPLE! Just Youtube all the aiesec roll calls and jives if you're really curious! 

One of my favorite sessions was, LC team building! This session was for the whole LC and not just the interns so it was twice more fun. I am not at the liberty to reveal these games, but lemme assure you it was so effective!

Yet another fun session was, when we had to have effective communication skills and explain to other foreign interns about a thing that was only particular to your country and something that they probably won't have an idea about. Indian interns chose, Mangalsutra, Ganna ke ras, Punjaabi kada. Sarah chose, Peanut butter and jelly (america) , Eva chose Lei Aai ( china) , maria chose to explain the shortest poem in the italian language (M'illumino D'immenso.) Milena (columbia) chose NO DE PAPAYA.  You can imagine what fun it must've been! 

Oh yeaaaah! We went on a walk, in the wee hours of the morning after a night of intense jiving sessions, and oodles of fun .. Me and anuj found a pond that was so still that you can almost imagine it to be ground and then we saw a couple of people sitting there , and fishing . There was such a cool breeze in the air, and such a beautiful sight.

Last two days were crazy! Crazy hectic, yeah. Crazy fun, hell yeah. People say, I am extremely lucky that my first conference turned out to be an international one! Talk about being at the right place, at the right time. :D
If the only complaint I would have would be the food, or the lack of it, rather.

And its unfortunate that, I won't be able to be a part of AIESEC because of hectic work load I'm sure will follow in my final year. Oh well! 

P.s I started work in a new school for a week from today, all about that next blogpost!


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