Wednesday 14 May 2014

The Past, and the Present.

For the past 10 days, i was put up in a hostel along with other AIESEC interns, near Arbat street where I shared the place with other people ; few who have been here for months and few who stay only for one night , and disappear the next.  I've seen so many interesting people during the course of my time there! From a guy who probably never showered and slept naked (well, thats what the boys tell me! :P), to these two girls who click pictures with everything ; the pan, the bacon, the indians, the coffee mug. , to a fat russian who has yelled at me at least thrice for being too "loud" , to the caretaker Dennis who i suspect will be so glad when we all leave.
I shared my room with Zara, the italian intern Maria, a famous russian Youtube blogger Irina, and a polish girl whose name I just can't remember. Anuj and Jagan were put up in the next "boys" room. Let me tell you something, there wasn't a single dull moment with these people around! There was always something or the other happening all the time! From having breakfast together, to making crass comments , to making sudden plans and returning home late, to the boys getting in the "we-will-cook-indian-tonight" mood, to sleeping late because we've got swag,  it was so much fun!
(p.s - watch the instagram video and the "tunak tunak tun" dance in the kitchen )

Notice how i said everything in the past tense? Sigh. I was living in the hostel, but now!! I am staying with a russian host.

Thats because yesterday,  Ildar informs me that i will be moving out and he will be there to pick my luggage in an hour or so. And i was still at work! I msged zara, and i rushed back home and the whole time I kept thinking of what my host may be like. I knew nothing about my host, except that her name was Olya, and that she was a vegetarian. I reached home and I found my bags to be packed already.. such a darling, that zara is :')
After a last check at things, and talking to Anuj about "Oh damn, now i will have to sleep early" and "who will give me company while walking to the grocery store" , I was ready to leave.

Ildar was right on time, and after a quick goodbye and promise to feature in Irina's future videos and to be in touch with everyone else we left for the Arbatskaya metro station.
My new house was in Profsoyuznaya station (in the orange line , which means i had to change my lines three times at least to reach somewhere!)

Imagine walking all the way with a really heavy suitcase. Actually, Ildar carried the bags so yeah I don't know should I even complain? :D
But then again, he lost the way to Olya's apartment. Intially he kept fooling around, but after a while we both realized that we are actually lost. After asking people and lots of walking we finally reached our destination late at night.
Olya opened the door, and she turned out to be a young, stunning russian who lived alone in a flat with room for two. The apartment itself is what my mother called, "Clean and Neat" . Very cute, very cosy apartment with just enough room for her and me.

I had pictured two extreme situations - either I would have a grand, lavish room to myself, or i will be sharing a small sofa with a thin mattress. And both situations which I wasn't keen on!
Instead -


I think the set up is ideal! :D
And she was so sweet, I've no restrictions and I even got my own set of keys to the apartment!

She made me feel so welcome, and made me feel like i am truly her roommate and she's not a "host" but a friend! As soon as i entered home, she made me and Ildar some Herbal tea (russians just adore these things!) And soon, after he left she took me to a supermarket so I could buy my own groceries. On our way back, she explained how she is a terrible cook herself (umm, she's not lying! She is.) but that she would love to learn some indian cooking! And I thanked god, for all the cooking practice i got in the last 4 years ; both hostel and my PG. Sure, I can teach her how to cook Dal and Rice! And curry.

This is such a sight for sore eyes! :') This is my larder of food ; Complete with Bread, Cup noodles, Spagetti, Rice, Ketchup, Maggie (Like, duh!!!), chat masala, croissants, bhujia (like, double duh!!), coffee powder, Gems and Polo. :D

Woohoo! :D

Olya turned out to be an extremely soft-spoken girl, who wanted to improve her English skills and wanted to learn more about India and its culture. She loves tea, and is very helpful. I am so glad to have her as my host!
I would love to post a picture of her and me, but we both look like crap right now so naaaahhhh! :P

Tell me what you think! Till then, keep galavanting, folks! :D

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